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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Whats Going On Here? Christian vs.Christian?

The Christian Coalition of America has appointed a new president, Rev. Joel Hunter. The problem some have seen is the liberal direction the coalition has been heading. The appointment of Hunter however may not help solve that perception. Here is a quote from him that I have been trying to put into words properly for years. Now it has been done and I love it.
"Traditional right-wing issues," he said, "are not sufficient to express the Gospel." Why couldn't I think of that?

Like I have unsuccessfully tried to get through to people for years, If Christians were to lay out the complete "agendas" of both the Democrats and the Republicans, they would find overwhelmingly that they have more, much more in common with Democrats & vice versa than with Republicans.
Hunter went on to say:
"There ought to be more than just gay marriage and pro-life issues, because the Bible is concerned with all of life. We need to do everything we can to relieve poverty, to heal the sick and to protect the Earth."
Can I get an AMEN , brothers and sisters?
As long as Christians stick to those two main issues and disregard the rest , then God's will, WONT be done. Amen........ .............



This Is No Way To Run A Country

But then some of us knew that already, didn't we


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Cheap oil from Chavez arrives in U.S.

Thousands of low-income people in Boston and New York will get help with heating oil this winter, thanks to a gesture from Venezuela's controversial president.

Citgo Petroleum Corp., a company controlled by the Venezuelan government, will supply more than 12 million gallons of home heating oil at a cost 40 per cent below market prices.

Beware America when the poor people FINALLY speak and react. It cannot be forever that they remain silent. And then you will pay, pay in a way you never imagined. Remember its the poor people who defend you now and the poor people who have always defended you. Watch out when they finally learn to defend themselves. Robin Hood will prevail. The nay sayers argue that although Chavez is free to call Bush the Devil, he doesnt allow his fellow Venezualens the same right. But hey "if" he treats "all" his people right, whats to complain about anyway?



Bush would send troops inside Pakistan to catch bin Laden

Bush was quoted as saying he would absolutely order U.S. forces to go after Osama bin Laden inside Pakistan if he received good intelligence on the fugitive al Qaeda leader's location.
What I wonder is which is the trick word here? Good or Intelligence?? Didn't we do this once before in Iraq? What was the information that time? Good? or Intelligent? My recollection was that it was neither, since the "intelligence" was that Saddam had the now infamous acronym "WMD"s" and none has EVER been found. Top this off with the problem that Pakistan at best is a fragile ally (aren't they all), with a bazillion people, and you have all the makings of a "game" ending call. "Game" being life as we know it, because Pakistan in general wouldn't tolerate this "invasion", and make no mistake this time, that IS what it would be.


Monday, September 18, 2006

The Devil Made Him Say It; The Pope Misspeaks

Just wondering if any one out there, who are staunch defenders of christianity when if gets badmouthed, feel that the pope was wrong in bad mouthing Islam in general and the "prophet Mohammed" in particular.
The comment? I quote "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Now I'm not saying this isnt a true statement, what i am saying is that it applies to a minority of islamics, just as christian extremism such as those blowing up abortion clinics. wrongly condeming galileo, the crusades, the dark ages etc. not to mention good ole boy pat roberstons foot in mouth remarks. I recently received an email condeming rosie odonnells remarks comparinng christian extermists to muslim extremists. But in fact as seen in the examples above, she was technically right, albeit again referring to a small minority. The AFA was upp in arms, demanding all sorts of things. no doubt if they could getaway with it they would be burning her at the stake. But oddly i dont here from them on this matter. wonder why that is??? Oh yeah, because they only care about their cause, not righteousness in general.
replies welcome but non replies will speak volumes as well. Thanks for your time.

I guess Ghandi put it best when he said "I like your Christ. I DO NOT like your christians. they are so unlike your christ".

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Democracies Worst Example

They say you lead by example. if thats true then i would have to say the middle east was already a near perfect democracy BEFORE we destroyed it. I mean after reading this article its sad to say that what we showed the world about how a "free" democracy works is appalling.

  • the U.S. military has created a global network of overseas prisons, keeping 14,000 detainees beyond the reach of established law.
  • Disclosures of torture and long-term arbitrary detentions have won rebuke from leading voices including the U.N. secretary-general and the U.S. Supreme Court
  • Seventy to 90 percent of the Iraq detentions in 2003 were "mistakes," U.S. officers once told the international Red Cross.
  • Captured on battlefields, pulled from beds at midnight, grabbed off streets, tens of thousands now have passed through U.S. detention, often interrogated around the clock, then released months or years later without apology, compensation or any word on why they were taken
  • dozens of ex-detainees, government ministers, lawmakers, human rights activists, lawyers and scholars in Iraq, Afghanistan and the United States said the detention system often is unjust and hurts the war on terror by inflaming anti-Americanism in Iraq and elsewhere.
  • Reports of extreme physical and mental abuse, symbolized by the notorious Abu Ghraib prison torture-like treatment of the inmates.
  • Human rights groups count dozens of detainee deaths for which no one has been punished or that were never explained.
  • The secret prisons — unknown in number and location — remain available for future detainees.
  • The new manual banning torture doesn't cover CIA interrogators. And thousands of people still languish in a limbo, deprived of one of common law's oldest rights, habeas corpus, the right to know why you are imprisoned.
Bush -whacker planned military tribunals - BUT .............
Supreme Court ruled against military tribunals. The court held the tribunals were not authorized by the U.S. Congress and violated the Geneva Conventions.

Bush-whacker said we dont torture, BUT ........
  • he certainly had no problem sending prisoner to countries where we know the possibility is good that they will torture these prisoners.
  • the U.S. government's willingness to resort to "extraordinary rendition," transferring suspects to other nations where they might be tortured, appears unchanged.
Bush-whacker claimed we have no secret prisons, BUT ...........
  • n his Sept. 6 speech, Bush acknowledged for the first time the existence of the CIA's secret prisons, believed established at military bases or safehouses in such places as Egypt, Indonesia and eastern Europe. That network, uncovered by journalists, had been condemned by U.N. authorities and investigated by the Council of Europe.

-- Herein lies the problem:
"If you, God forbid, are an innocent Afghan who gets sold down the river by some warlord rival, you can end up at Bagram and you have absolutely no way of clearing your name," said John Sifton of Human Rights Watch in New York. "You can't have a lawyer present evidence, or do anything organized to get yourself out of there."

Now I know politicians, all of them, including presidents lie, but did we have to have one Sooo stupid that he gets caught over and over again and then stands with a stupid look on his face? And did we have to have him TWICE??? Do we need more proof that there ought to be a test before being allowed to vote? Thank God it will be over soon and thank God we are running out of Bushes!!! And one final thought, after Clinton and Bush do you need more proof that the Commander in chief ought to be someone with extensive military background? Two draft dodgers in a row.
I'm rooting for John McCain. A thinking American with brains and a serious military background, something we havent had for the last 6 years.

article here

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Cutting The Lines of Automated Telephone Responses

Two interesting ideas /sites. they both help you get a human on the phone when calling a company. The first one "gethuman" has a database of companies followed by info. on how to to get you to a human. The second one "Bringo" actually does the work for you. You simply look up the company you want to call, click the link, put your phone number on the web form, and Bringo! calls the company for you. You get a quick "verify this phone number" call, then, when Bringo! has you in the queue, your phone rings, you hit the # key, and you're in line for an operator. Walla!

Courtesy of Yahoo Tech