The Devil Made Him Say It; The Pope Misspeaks
Just wondering if any one out there, who are staunch defenders of christianity when if gets badmouthed, feel that the pope was wrong in bad mouthing Islam in general and the "prophet Mohammed" in particular.
The comment? I quote "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
Now I'm not saying this isnt a true statement, what i am saying is that it applies to a minority of islamics, just as christian extremism such as those blowing up abortion clinics. wrongly condeming galileo, the crusades, the dark ages etc. not to mention good ole boy pat roberstons foot in mouth remarks. I recently received an email condeming rosie odonnells remarks comparinng christian extermists to muslim extremists. But in fact as seen in the examples above, she was technically right, albeit again referring to a small minority. The AFA was upp in arms, demanding all sorts of things. no doubt if they could getaway with it they would be burning her at the stake. But oddly i dont here from them on this matter. wonder why that is??? Oh yeah, because they only care about their cause, not righteousness in general.
replies welcome but non replies will speak volumes as well. Thanks for your time.
I guess Ghandi put it best when he said "I like your Christ. I DO NOT like your christians. they are so unlike your christ".
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