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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Profits of Oil Companies and Others

I watched a news report today where the reporters drove 650 miles and among the things they said that struck me was that the easiest way to save gas is to drive slower, yet they found that NO ONE (their words) was driving the speed limit even. We are not driving less. We are not driving slower. We are doing nothing to help the gas / oil problem except pointing fingers and blaming others for the problem.
The biggest blame falls on the oil companies for they are making obscenely enormous profits while the average American suffers. But lets take a look at a possible scenario. I say possible, because I really don't know how the oil companies do their pricing, nor do I know how they are making such huge profits. I only present one possible scenario whereby the oil companies would make huge profits BUT be doing NOTHING differently. Here goes:

Lets say oil is $25 a barrel and the oil companies refine it and mark it up 10% before sending it out to consumers. The oil refiner makes $2.50 a barrel, and assumingly, a profit, because after all that IS why they are in business. OK, Now fast forward to the current $75 a barrel. Without increasing their pricing policy at all, the oils companies that were making $2.50 a barrel (on a !0% markup), when they were paying $25, are now making $7.50 a barrel when they are paying $75 a barrel, thus effectively tripling their profits, YET not changing a thing about their business practices. NO price gouging, contrary to what the majority think. This is what EVERY company does; mark up the products they sell at every level until it gets to the consumer. Its the American way.
Granted most companies sell things that aren't viewed by consumers as a NECESSITY, and as a result at some point these retailers must decrease their "percentage" of profit in order to continue to entice people to buy their product. But this is NOT the case with oil & gas. Nor is it the case with insurance, Doctors, Diapers, baby formula and certain other foods and heck even religions don't bother to lower their "prices." We the consumer can and do cut down on purchases, quantities and donations on our own. Are the oil companies and others who refuse to lower their "prices," greedy, immoral even? You betcha! But is it illegal? NO! Very, very few companies (if any) will voluntarily cut down on their profits unless forced to do so by the consumer. We do have it in our power, but we are loathe to do it because it means we too must sacrifice and that's never fun.
I have a few examples:
A few years ago while in San Francisco, I attended mass in a Catholic church there. I listened as the priest told his parishioners what a wonderful job they've done surpassing ALL expectations with their donations / offerings / tithes (?). So much so, he said that they were even able to give goodly sums to various outside causes. He then went on with a "however," and stated that it is his job to figure out how to get people to give more!!! His idea? He told people to bring less one dollar bills with them to church! A little tongue in cheek humor? Sure, but deadly serious none the less.
My next example is ice cream. Now I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed this, but ice cream has always been sold in quarts and half gallons. But during the past year (or so) a specific brand I buy (Turkey hill, although they are not alone) has gone from half gallons (64oz) for about 5 bucks, to 56 oz for the same price and then about two months ago 48 oz for still the same price. That my friends is a 25% increase in about a year. I wrote to turkey hill twice inquiring about this and the fact that its basically hidden from the consumer because the average person might not have noticed. Have you? Go check, some stores still have "older" containers that are 56 oz, while the newer stock is now 48oz. And your paying the same prices. Well both times Turkey hill declined to answer my email, but I know I sent it to the right place because when I write to compliment them, - they answer!
Sorry for going off track and onto one of my tirades again, but hey that's me what can I tell ya. Point is that the oil companies are "maybe" doing business as usual and increasing their profits without altering their practices at all, but solely because their costs have increased and WE, the consumer, the ones who REALLY DO control prices, have done nothing in some cases, and not enough in others.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Immigration in America, the Truth

Just a few words on my feelings about immigration, immigrants and its pros & cons (in my humble opinion).

First and foremost we are a nation built on immigration and immigrants, so we must continue to allow the influx of peoples of other nations looking for a better life. Having said that let me now also point out that ILLEGAL immigrants are just that - ILLEGAL!!! And as such they are and or have committed a crime against our nation. The die hard liberals and the religious groups, rarely if ever on the same side, are quick to point out that these are just poor Mexicans looking to work and send money back to their families in Mexico. But not all illegals are Mexican or poor or looking to support their families in Mexico. Nor are all LEGAL immigrants good, nice hard working people who love America. No, once again we must walk the middle, wherein, as usual lies the best path.
Your president himself recently said these Mexicans do jobs that Americans won't do. And still others imply that we are helping these people to better themselves and their families. But what are the realities? The realities are that there are Americans that will do any job, providing that it at least pays wages near or above poverty level. So just who are we helping then? As usual We are helping the employers of these illegal immigrants, by allowing them to get work done at much less than the prevailing wage, thus increasing THEIR profit margin. Who are we hurting? We are hurting unemployed or underemployed Americans who can AND WOULD do these jobs if employers were forced to pay a living wage. Don't believe the "hype." Don't accept what your told without thinking for yourself. Its how "THEY" keep us down. Don't agree with me? Fine, as long as you've reached that decision on your own.
America is great because of its immigrants, we can't destroy that. But lets do a better job of screening them, a better job of ascertaining what THEY can offer us. Lets stop citizenship tests in a language other than English. Lets make sure immigrants become citizens when able, or else their out! Back to the home they left, but evidently love more than they love the United States. AND ( most will hate me for this) NO more Ethnic parades celebrating the "homeland. America is now your chosen homeland or so you said. No more complacency. We can't afford it. To do any less is inviting another 9/11

Monday, April 24, 2006


Pick your own alternate title:

  • I told you so!
  • The Middle Is Better Than Left OR Right - OR
  • WWJD
Regardless of which alternate title you like and regardless of whether or not the article is factual or what the eventual outcome will be, one thing is certain, that being that it is good to see that possibly The Vatican and Catholic Church may finally risk its position and instead put people first by allowing, if not advocating the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV. I have been arguing this point for years with those who believe that abstinence is the "only" answer. Surely abstinence IS the BEST answer to several sex related problems in the world, but the reality is that noone is listening to that, so the good Christian thing to do is help the people in whatever way is necessary, even if that means compromising your position a little bit. Kudos, in advance to the Pope and the Catholic Church, if they DO make this happen.


SCIO Machine

OK, I'm back! But who cares anyway? right?

No matter, I don't care who listens or reads this blog anyway. It's just my way of talking to myself without having people think I'm nuts!
Anyway my 6 week hiatus / vacation / therapy / rehab etc. is over and I am back. Back, but maybe, just maybe a little different.
While away, I allowed myself the indulgence of treatment on a new SCIO machine, (Google search)
a device that "reads" your WHOLE body, both physically and mentally, and "treats" it accordingly. This is all done electronically and invisibly and non-invasively! I know what your saying, I really AM crazy thinking all my "ills" could be "fixed" by a machine that does nothing more than send and receive electrical impulses to and from my body. And even those "impulses" can't be felt so who knows if it really does anything at all other than seriously empty ones wallet. THAT, I can attest, it does successfully since after leaving the office my wallet WAS indeed physically thinner than before the treatment, and for me that's not a good thing. You see I like my wallet when its overweight, as opposed to my women whom I prefer to be more slender.
Anyway, having had the "treatment" I must now say with a "definite maybe" that the SCIO machine may have actually helped me. I wasn't sure at first, in fact I was pretty sure nothing had changed (except the wallet part), until some time had passed. The Doctor did indeed say this may be the case since the body takes some time to adjust itself. Physically I can't say I feel any better, in fact parts of me have never felt worse, but mentally I think that maybe, just maybe I am a little bit better. Not that I am or was crazy (tho some who know me dispute this), just that my outlook on some things is a little more positive right now. I still have the need and desire to point out the truth in life and sometimes that hurts and is negative, but overall I'm hoping to have a better outlook on life in general without the rose colored glasses that some people wear. Physically I will need to compare the SCIO results with those of "traditional" medicine before speculating on whether or not the "machine" got it right, and that may take awhile, but for now all I can say for sure is I feel a little different.
The SCIO machine is based ( I think?) on the Chinese theory that the body is made up of, and surrounded by energy, with positive energy being "good" and negative energy being bad. What the machine then does is "read" your whole body and then "fix" your bodies "energy" fields, thus enabling you body to "heal" itself. The Doctor NEVER says this machine will "cure" anything, only that is restores proper energy fields to many different aspects of your body.

The bottom line however is that when it comes to the SCIO machine I know NOTHING, so do your own research, for this is just my impression of what the machine does. It also does seem to be more effective in those people who: a) believe in non-traditional or alternative medicine, and b) have a generally well developed "faith," as in religious faith. This is not a knock on a persons religious beliefs, just a statement that the stronger ones religious beliefs are, the more "open" they seem to be generally, to the "power of suggestion," especially to positive situations presented by those whom they believe to be in authority, and of "good" makeup.
An excellent example of this is the fact that the majority of "religious" people in this country voted for Bush, mistakenly thinking he was a good and righteous man. Unfortunately, the reality here is that faith doesn't always equal good, just a belief that it does.
Testimonials, both good and bad are welcome and encouraged, so if you know of anyone who has experienced the SCIO machine send this to them and if anyone knows more about it that me, please comment below
I would truly like to give the SCIO machine another "go" but it IS expensive and NOT covered by insurance, so anyone wanting to "donate" to my health and research can reach me through the comments section as well.