SCIO Machine
OK, I'm back! But who cares anyway? right?
While away, I allowed myself the indulgence of treatment on a new SCIO machine, (Google search)
a device that "reads" your WHOLE body, both physically and mentally, and "treats" it accordingly. This is all done electronically and invisibly and non-invasively! I know what your saying, I really AM crazy thinking all my "ills" could be "fixed" by a machine that does nothing more than send and receive electrical impulses to and from my body. And even those "impulses" can't be felt so who knows if it really does anything at all other than seriously empty ones wallet. THAT, I can attest, it does successfully since after leaving the office my wallet WAS indeed physically thinner than before the treatment, and for me that's not a good thing. You see I like my wallet when its overweight, as opposed to my women whom I prefer to be more slender.
Anyway, having had the "treatment" I must now say with a "definite maybe" that the SCIO machine may have actually helped me. I wasn't sure at first, in fact I was pretty sure nothing had changed (except the wallet part), until some time had passed. The Doctor did indeed say this may be the case since the body takes some time to adjust itself. Physically I can't say I feel any better, in fact parts of me have never felt worse, but mentally I think that maybe, just maybe I am a little bit better. Not that I am or was crazy (tho some who know me dispute this), just that my outlook on some things is a little more positive right now. I still have the need and desire to point out the truth in life and sometimes that hurts and is negative, but overall I'm hoping to have a better outlook on life in general without the rose colored glasses that some people wear. Physically I will need to compare the SCIO results with those of "traditional" medicine before speculating on whether or not the "machine" got it right, and that may take awhile, but for now all I can say for sure is I feel a little different.
The SCIO machine is based ( I think?) on the Chinese theory that the body is made up of, and surrounded by energy, with positive energy being "good" and negative energy being bad. What the machine then does is "read" your whole body and then "fix" your bodies "energy" fields, thus enabling you body to "heal" itself. The Doctor NEVER says this machine will "cure" anything, only that is restores proper energy fields to many different aspects of your body.
The bottom line however is that when it comes to the SCIO machine I know NOTHING, so do your own research, for this is just my impression of what the machine does. It also does seem to be more effective in those people who: a) believe in non-traditional or alternative medicine, and b) have a generally well developed "faith," as in religious faith. This is not a knock on a persons religious beliefs, just a statement that the stronger ones religious beliefs are, the more "open" they seem to be generally, to the "power of suggestion," especially to positive situations presented by those whom they believe to be in authority, and of "good" makeup.
An excellent example of this is the fact that the majority of "religious" people in this country voted for Bush, mistakenly thinking he was a good and righteous man. Unfortunately, the reality here is that faith doesn't always equal good, just a belief that it does.
Testimonials, both good and bad are welcome and encouraged, so if you know of anyone who has experienced the SCIO machine send this to them and if anyone knows more about it that me, please comment below
I would truly like to give the SCIO machine another "go" but it IS expensive and NOT covered by insurance, so anyone wanting to "donate" to my health and research can reach me through the comments section as well.
Well, actually somebody do read you blog!!!
Anyway, I ahve been using it now for a few months on me and my patients and it does work
If you want to compare it with trad. medical work up, you might get disappointed because before it shows on your blood, it might be too severe already. However, if your blood picture is really bad then it will definitely jive with the SCIO
Thank you for your comment. I havent tried the SCIO again yet simply because its just too expensive for me and insurance doesnt cover it, but I will keep it in mind. Thanks again
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