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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain Chooses ...........

A person very much younger than him?  A staunch anti abortionist to appease the radical, religious?  A female?   A fellow "maverick" who isnt afraid to disagree with anyone?  A person intimately familiar with Alaska's oil reserves?  A  person who is decidedly blue collar middle class.? Certainly after ridiculing Obama's lack of experience, McCain didnt pick someone even younger & more inexperienced?

   Well Yes he did. Did what? Did which?    his V.P. choice is ALL OF THE ABOVE.. McCain has "supposedly picked Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, as his running mate.
 Is this move genius? or folly?  Is McCain showing that he is still the shrewd, calculating man i admire?  Or is he showing signs of definite senility?   Only time will tell.

Whats your opinion?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hot Sisters Are Habit Forming

An Italian priest, Antonio Rungi, is organizing an online beauty pageant for nuns to give them more visibility within the Catholic Church and to fight the stereotype that they are all old and dour.  Rungi says  "Nuns are a bit excluded, they are a bit marginalized in ecclesiastical life,"  Not all are in agreement with his idea however. Some are nun too happy about it.  sorry i just had to get that in there.  The association of Catholic teachers, criticized the idea saying "It's an initiative that belittles the role of nuns who have dedicated themselves to God,"
I dont know, i think nuns in ......hmmmmmm .....say ..........skimpy bikini tops & thongs could be a little kinky.  i like it.

Antiabortion Health Workers now Protected.

If they dont believe in it they dont have to do it.

 Simple, and i agree again with this ruling, but i realize it cant and shouldnt be done..

HOWEVER, as i learned a long time ago, the hard way, just because i agree with something, doesnt make it right. it should, i know, but it doesnt ....yet!.
   during vietnam, pacifism was a big thing and i wholeheartedly agreed with that, but that didnt stop the government from sending pacifists to jail.    Imagine a health care worker who refuses to treat say, lefthanders (or righties); or certain ethnic groups.or religions. yeah theres one. The same people who would be for this new regulation, , would be against a doctor refusing to treat them because of their beliefs.
Im sure all of you, as you go thru life, find certain things disagreeable to you. But because of rules, regulations, laws, etc. we must unfortunately obey them. This applies to work, play, whatever you do. 
To allow one group of people to refuse to do a particular job just because they dont like it, is ridiculous, wrong and prejudice; not to mention opening up the legal system to yet more B.S. lawsuits by people who dont want to listen to their bosses because ..........
But ridiculous, wrong and prejudice are all adjectives that can also be used to describe the man responsible for signing this bill.  Yep that idiot, G.W. Bush-whacker.

addendum:  IF and only if you are hired with these or other pre-conditions being accepted, then fine, your exempt and more power to ya, for being able to negotiate something like that. 

Pope Says: "My Way" NOT "Yaweh"

I dont know, you like that title?  catchy enough?  Or maybe this one: "Pope Says You Cant Have it Yaweh Anymore"

In yet another Insightful (yawn), earth shattering (double yawn), "revelation" (zzzzzz.....) from the self proclaimed catholic leader,  the term YAWEH will no longer be used in text or hymns.   Contrary to what those who knows me would think, I actually agree with the reasoning, but must wonder what took so long?  Obviously the jews have been knowing this for a long time. The reasoning behind this "revelation" is as follows:
"YHWH, the four consonants of the ancient Hebrew name for God. As an expression of the infinite greatness and majesty of God, it was held to be unpronounceable.  (out  of respect i presume and agree with.).  To me yet another prime example of catholic inaccuracies, over the last 2000 years.  If they were the one and only "true"  church,  receiving their wisdom "directly" from  god,  as they imply( thru the definition of "popedom"), there would be no mistakes, no inaccuracies.  Still on the worldly scope, or grand scale of things, i will file this under "who cares"

 Link to story HERE     

I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
George Carlin

Thursday, August 21, 2008

McCain, Losing His Mind Already?

Please dear God, No!

The man i've waited roughly 25 years to put in the white house, seems to already be losing his mind.  Or worse he just doesnt respect anyone or anything but himself, and those of his status. When recently asked how many houses he owns he stated that he had to ask his staff and would have them get back to him.  This can only be viewed as arrogant or senile.
       BUT THIS IS NOT the McCain i've known; not the McCain ive admired; not the Mccain ive wanted for president since the 80's. No the man i've wanted was a smart, considerate man of honor; a man of scruple's.   He was a maverick. A man feared by even his own party simply because he refused to be an ass kisser to them.  No this was a man who always wanted and tried to do the right thing and didnt worry about upsetting his own party. All things Bush wasn't.   But the McCain of today scares me some; but he doesn't scare me as much as Obama does, nor does he scare me as much as Bush did / does. Now he must pick a strong moderate VP, a man like himself only younger, just in case his health doesnt hold up.
story link here


Conservatives Grow Wary of ......


Conservatives grow wary of mixing church, politics.  link to story here

        Praise the Lord;
                               etc. etc. etc.
                                                Finally America may be thinking with their heads instead of their hearts

Friday, August 15, 2008

Pro Lifer To Speak at Democratic Convention

Planned Parenthoods have been active in the American courts. A number of cases in which Planned Parenthood has been a party have reached the Supreme Court of the United States.
Notable among these cases is the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey, where Planned Parenthood is the Southeast Pennsylvania Chapter, and Casey is the late Robert Casey, who was a pro-life Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania.

In 1992, then-Pennsylvania Gov. Robert Casey Sr., a devout Catholic, was barred from speaking at the Democratic National Convention. Party leaders claimed it was because he'd refused to endorse candidate Bill Clinton. But Casey maintained it was because of his anti-abortion views.
         IT took 16 years, but an anti-abortion Bob Casey will get to speak at the Democratic convention.
Yesterday, Barack Obama offered Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) - also anti-abortion - a speaking slot at this year's convention.
This is part of the Obama campaign's concerted effort to signal a more moderate approach to abortion - in hope of attracting more Catholic and evangelical votes.
 Earlier this week, many Catholic and evangelical leaders expressed delight in the new abortion plank in the Democratic platform, language that they say highlights the need to reduce the number of abortions in a way previously missing.
The Rev. Joel Hunter, a former leader of the Christian Coalition and a registered Republican, called the language an "historic and courageous step," saying "Pro-lifers from both parties can now both support Barack Obama on the basis that more lives will be saved than if they had just taken a moral stand hoping to overturn Roe v. Wade. Democrats have widened their public support of those mothers who choose life."
Kristen Day of Democrats for Life says she couldn't even get her calls returned back in 2004: Anti-abortion groups just had no seat at the table. But this year, she got to speak to the head of the platform committee.
Other leaders reported that they had real, substantial involvement in the process. Said one, "They listened, they took us seriously, and they did their best to work out common ground."

Sen. Casey, represents Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate,  Sen. Casey's consideration for a speaking slot at the 2008 convention is believed to reflect Democrats' concerns about their appeal to Catholics, who were once a reliable Democratic voting bloc but decisively favored President George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential election. Further, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama badly lost the Catholic vote in his presidential primary race against Sen. Hillary Clinton.
In the key swing state of Pennsylvania, Catholic voters preferred Clinton to Obama by a 40-point margin.

So is Obama softening his stance on abortion?  Not likely; but this is a good move on his part nonetheless. It will likely sway some christian voters, especially following such positive comments as those made by Rev. Joel Hunter & Kristen Day (see above).
After all keep in mind the average voter is NOT smart, and thats what the politicians count on.  Oh, you think thay are smart?  You at least think your an intelligent voter?  Well ok, then test yourself;  Did you vote for Bush for a second term?  If so then, you fail, you arent that smart, case closed.

See you in November.  Long live Mccain ,a man Ive waited over 25 years to vote for. I sure hope he doesnt disappoint me by following the Bush party line. Ive always wanted Mccain because he was a  maverick and thats who im hoping to get this time, not a Bush follower

Monday, August 11, 2008

Natural Wonder Gone Forever

and more will follow if we don't take care of the earth, NOW!!!!

One of the largest and most visible arches in Arches National Park collapsed according to park officials.  The arch is along Devils Garden Trail, one of the most popular.A favorite stopping point for photographers.  the arch was claimed by forces that will eventually destroy others in the park: ........... gravity and erosion

Sunday, August 10, 2008

First Bernie Mac, Now Isaac Hayes

bernie mac died at 50 yesterday, now isaac hayes at 65,  if anyone cares