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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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dont let my 1912 birthday bother you, i was born on feb. 29th so i only have birthdays every 4 years. so im only 26

WWW http://allworldviews.blogspot.com/

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Baseball and the World Baseball Classic

:More Proof That "The Game" is NO More
The N.Y. Yankees posted a sign at their spring training complex apologizing to the fans for not being able to see some of their beloved heroes play in Tampa this spring. They went on to say it wasn't their idea and they never liked the idea and didn't vote for the "World Baseball Classic" to take place and that fans should send their complaints to the commissioner of Major League Baseball or the Major League Baseball Players Association." Yankee owner George Steinbrenner has said he is worried star players might get injured and with the 200 million dollars he has invested in this years team to win the World Series that's a legitimate complaint. But he's to blame for this mess also, and primarily, because it was and is him who continues to take this former game away from those who love it and put it into the hands of those who are only in it for the money. Or are they justin it for the money? Those players participating in the WBC are getting paid what amounts to "coffee money" for them so why are they doing it? National pride, that why. And that's yet another problem, all those Latin ballplayers ( and make no mistake they are the worst offenders) who want to play for "THEIR" countries. For them the U.S. will always only be their place of employment, period. No loyalty beyond that. Upon retiring they will return "home," home to whatever Latin country they were born in, not America. That's why I have gained a measure of respect for A-Rod, Alex Rodriguez, that I never had before. I always admired his baseball ability. He will be a player for the ages, one that comes along once in a persons lifetime, but he has always been a greedy person as well, first by selling himself to the highest bidder and the two years later forcing that bidder to trade him to where he wanted to go while eating a large portion of his paycheck. But now he has decided to play in the WBC for the United States and to me that's as it should be. To me you should play for the country who made you what you are, the country who gave you your opportunity, the country you owe a debt of gratitude to, if they'll have you. If they don't want or need you, then go play for someone else. Mike Piazza, a great player, a first shot hall of famer will play for Italy. Why because he's 37 and his skill are declining and America has better players at his position. He is NOT playing for Italy because he's Italian (tho he certainly is), but rather because its his only opportunity to play. He's about as far removed from Italy as today's pizza.
So what do we have? Players that are greedy & opportunistic because they are dealing with greedy owners (Steinbrenner mainly), and sucker fans but are now showing that they can and will play for pride and peanuts. Maybe the game isn't dead after all.


Texas Town's Police Dept. Shut Down

A Texas police department with 5 total employees was shut down following an investigation by the FBI and the subsequent arrest of the chief and his sergeant for tampering with or fabricating physical evidence. In an ironic twist the sergeant, Mark Turner, was last year's chamber of commerce Officer of the Year. Wow these people are allowed to vote in real elections too?
Given what Texas has graced us with recently, why don't we just shut the whole state down, or return it to Mexico, from whom we stole it in the first place. We've had two loser presidents, a loser vice president, a couple indicted politicians, the largest corporate scandal to date (Enron), the largest death row population and most prolific use of the death penalty (by far), a baseball team that disgustingly gave a $250 million dollar contract to Alex (A-rod) Rodriguez, but still remained a loser team, and on and on, all from the great state of Texas.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

U.S. To Sharpen Focus on Iran

Office of Iran Affairs to 'facilitate change in Iranian policies'

The U.S. State Department is creating a special office to deal with foreign policy changes related to Iran and to promote a democratic transition in the Islamic republic. The new Office of Iran Affairs reflects a growing concern over actions by the Iranian regime and the need to devote significantly more personnel and resources to Iran policy."Certainly this signals the fact that we believe that Iran and Iranian behavior is one of the greatest foreign policy priorities we will be dealing with over the next decade," a State Department official said.
The "bull$hit" keeps going. You can read the rest here. I just wanted to point out that something smells fishy. Reminds me of past similar events when the United States found the "need" to "deal" with other problems. Like when they sent money and arms to old pal Saddam during his fight with Iran. We wanted him to win then because WE also had problems with Iran at that time as well. Or how bout this classic, when we supplied arms & weapons to old buddy Osama in his fight against the Russians in Afghanistan. The list goes on but that's a couple of BIG ones, memorable ones.
So essentially the translation of the phrases in the first paragraph above and restated below are thus:
  • deal with foreign policy changes,
  • promote a democratic transition,
  • need to devote significantly more personnel and resources to Iran policy,
  • Iranian behavior is one of the greatest foreign policy priorities,
The United States WILL be sending weapons, money, spies and any other so called necessary aid to any and all parties opposed to the current government in Iran in an attempt to gain a coup from within. Then the U.S. will denounce the coup & hunt, kill or imprison them (see Saddam and Osama), and install its own puppet Government.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

New Florida Town Looks to be Governed by Strict Catholic Principles

Seems that someone with "deep pockets" wants to fund the development of a "new" town in Florida that would be "governed" under strict Catholic rule. Of course the American Civil Liberties Union is beside itself over the possibility, but I say why not? This is America, a "free"(?) country, so why can't people live as they want to live? A new private community advertised as a strict Catholic run community with none of the vices allowed that would run counter to Catholic teaching. If after that has been said, someone still wants to move in there and NOT obey the rules, then they are just looking for trouble and ought to be denied entry or thrown out if already there.
The problem, you see, stems FROM our freedoms; you can't discriminate against anyone for any reason, that is why the current "ports deal" is such a problem. Girls must be allowed to play boys sports and get equal funding. Country clubs can not discriminate based on sex or creed etc. The only discrimination still allowed in America is that of money. If you can't afford to live somewhere or participate in something you are still out of luck.

But back to this new Florida town, I believe ANYONE should be able to develop and open a community and set the rules on which to live by. There are already numerous "over 55" communities, and they are not illegal. And not only that, but I think it would be beneficial to the United States to allow it. In the long run this would help elections and districting in the future, in that communities would be practically unanimous in the choices, because they are virtually unanimous in their lifestyle choice. No longer would strangely drawn district lines be needed to represent "like minded" people.
By the same token I also don't think any group should have the right to protest the opening of an abortion clinic or porn palace or a bar that opens on Sunday or any day, all day. There ought to be allowed towns which remind one of Sodom & Gomorrah, places that make those dens of iniquity like New York, Las Vegas, And California seem tame in comparison. Likewise if one wants to recreate "paradise" or heaven on earth, by all means let them. This is America, home of the free. Besides those living in the "sin" cities will want a place to "fess up" and those living in the "paradises" will want a place to "unwind." It would be interesting to see which town goes "broke" first.
