Seems that someone with "deep pockets" wants to fund the development of a "new" town in Florida that would be "governed" under strict Catholic rule. Of course the American Civil Liberties Union is beside itself over the possibility, but I say why not? This is America, a "free"(?) country, so why can't people live as they want to live? A new private community advertised as a strict Catholic run community with none of the vices allowed that would run counter to Catholic teaching. If after that has been said, someone still wants to move in there and NOT obey the rules, then they are just looking for trouble and ought to be denied entry or thrown out if already there.
The problem, you see, stems FROM our freedoms; you can't discriminate against anyone for any reason, that is why the current "ports deal" is such a problem. Girls must be allowed to play boys sports and get equal funding. Country clubs can not discriminate based on sex or creed etc. The only discrimination still allowed in America is that of money. If you can't afford to live somewhere or participate in something you are still out of luck.
But back to this new Florida town, I believe ANYONE should be able to develop and open a community and set the rules on which to live by. There are already numerous "over 55" communities, and they are not illegal. And not only that, but I think it would be beneficial to the United States to allow it. In the long run this would help elections and districting in the future, in that communities would be practically unanimous in the choices, because they are virtually unanimous in their lifestyle choice. No longer would strangely drawn district lines be needed to represent "like minded" people.
By the same token I also don't think any group should have the right to protest the opening of an abortion clinic or porn palace or a bar that opens on Sunday or any day, all day. There ought to be allowed towns which remind one of Sodom & Gomorrah, places that make those dens of iniquity like New York, Las Vegas, And California seem tame in comparison. Likewise if one wants to recreate "paradise" or heaven on earth, by all means let them. This is America, home of the free. Besides those living in the "sin" cities will want a place to "fess up" and those living in the "paradises" will want a place to "unwind." It would be interesting to see which town goes "broke" first.