Extortion in Gods Name
Sony, (certainly no friend of mine) produced a video game "Resistance: Fall of Man" that has sold over 2 million units to date. It is a game that takes place in the 1950's Britain and presents a battle of soldiers against aliens. Among the many battle scenes is one that takes
place inside a building that resembles Manchester Cathedral in northwest England.
NOT one I would give him necessarily). Said Govander, "For a global manufacturer to recreate the interior of any religious building such as a mosque, synagogue, or in this case, a cathedral, with photo realistic quality and then encourage people to have gunbattles in the building is beyond belief and in our view highly irresponsible," He said the church wanted to discuss its outstanding demands, which include withdrawal of the game and a donation to the church's education department, which works to fight gun violence in Manchester.
That my friends is nothing short of extortion. Why? Very simply because, forever, movies, television, books and now video games have often incorporated familiar, popular & or famous places in their themes and plots. So why the fuss now? I'll tell you why. The church smelled a cheap
paycheck. Sure their against violence. Everyone is these days. Its the politically correct thing to be. Don't get me wrong it is a worthy cause, but in this case it was seemingly secondary to the fact that the violence took
place in a facsimile of the cathedral. Complaining about THAT primarily is a sin, a crime even. And you know whats even more sinful and
criminal? The organized crime church will collect its undeserved monies completely unpunished, because companies today are deathly afraid of bad publicity and that leaves them easy prey (or should I say pray) for the extortionists. Full story HERE
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