A China Import thats Healthier than Its U.S. Equal
We are all too familiar with China's list of bad imports, ranging from pet foods to people foods to toothpaste to children's toys. well now a little bit of irony thats fits well with my strange sense of humor:
China makes and imports bootleg cigarettes that are actually healthier than the U.S. made ones.
Yes Chinas counterfeit Cigarettes are lower in Tar, Carbon Monoxide and particulate matter, whatever the heck that is?? thats the good
news. The bad, they're higher in Nicotine. End result? you get to pick your "poison" so to speak. Tar causes cancer and Nicotine causes heart disease so depending on which death you prefer, thats what cigarette you should smoke.
Well actually you don't even have that choice either since your ever protective Government has confiscated these cigarettes, thus saving you from cancer but "allowing" you to continue to choose death by heart disease if you wish.. After all you dont expect the government to put RJ Reynolds out of business do you? Hmmmm on second thought if cigarettes were banned, we'd have millions of nervous wrecks flooding their Doctors offices in desperate need of tranquilizers thus good news for the pharmacy Industry.
And oh yeah i lied about the cigarettes being healthier, but i figured that would keep you reading :-)
full story here
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