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The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Your Rights Abused - By You & Against You

How much is too much and when is it not enough?  
Here are two instances, one of which i feel abuses our "rights"  
and one in which we use our rights to be abusive. You may agree or not 
and i''m sure you have many more examples of your own, as do i, but these were in the news today so i used them. 

  1. Abuse OF our rights: Atlanta Ga. trying to make it illegal to show ones undergarments. The point is to try and stop the young people from wearing their pants too low to deliberately expose their boxershorts and / or thongs. The sponsor says its a bad example for the little kids who see it and want to emulate it.
    I think it ridiculous to see young males wearing their pants that low BUT i also feel that is the parents job to prevent it, NOT the governments. After all they are fully clothed and its not indecent; stupid maybe, immoral (?), if you want, maybe so, but thats just an opinion also. Fact - NOTHING is exposed that would / could make it illegal. A step further, a woman whose bra strap is exposed would also be in violation according to the proposal.
    Now, i study women for a living, (grin), and let me tell you, normal women in the heat of the summer cant guarantee their bra strap will NEVER be exposed. Heck the top bra strap could get exposed no matter what your wearing unless its a '''crew" or turtle neck shirt! Thats the absurdity of such a law. Similar laws already exist in several areas in Louisiana in case you were wondering.
  2. Rights abused by us - Inmates, prisoners who committed (convicted of) crimes ( thus violating and depriving other of THEIR rights), enter the prison system and demand meals that cater to their stated religions. No one is allowed or able to determine ones "religiosity." Well I will. Simply put IF your as religious as you say and in need of a "special" prepared meal, in keepin with your religious dictates, then my friend you would NEVER have commited a crime in the first place! NO main stream religion permits you to commit a crime against soiciety, so you are already in violatiojn of your religion, and so i'm sure your god will forgive you if you have no other choice but to eat whats offered while your in jail.

Do you have other examples? I'd like to hear them


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