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Friday, August 24, 2007

Abused become the abusers

Generally speaking this is the belief of science, medical professionals. And NO im not talking about my pet peeve,  the child molesting priests, tho they are included. But todays story is about military instructors abusing their trainees.  Several have been charged with abuse ranging from mental to physical and include death.
The charges include

  • 91 counts of assault, 90 of failure to obey lawful orders and 27 of cruelty and maltreatment.The charges cover about 110 alleged incidents between Dec. 23, 2006 and Feb. 10, 
  • ordered a recruit to jump head-first into a trash can and then pushed him further into the container,
  • also accused of striking recruits with a tent pole and a heavy flashlight
  • Last year, four Marines at the San Diego depot were charged in the drowning of a fellow drill instructor during a water survival training course.
Gary Solis, a former Marine Corps prosecutor and judge who teaches law of war at Georgetown University Law Center, estimates that on average about six drill instructors, or DIs, are charged nationwide each year with abusing recruits."These kids are helpless before DI's," Solis said. "The DI is God and they have no immediate recourse."Abuse charges against Marines have become less common since six recruits drowned during a training exercise at Parris Island in 1956, Solis said.

 In light of this type of training, this disreguard for life, literally hammered into young people with little recourse, how can we then turn around and hold them responsible for commiting atrocities whil at war? This is what they are trained to do; War is MEANT to kill people. that is its main function - kill and win; kill other humans. So if killing is condoned, demanded, then how much of a stretch is it for them to think that stealing, beating, raping & other abuses are alright? O mean they ARE lesser offenses arent they?
We are appalled by these atrocities, as we should be, but then why arent we appalled at the "training" that goes on behind closed doors. Because as with other abuses it usually remains secret, an embarrassment to admit to what you were forced to endure. Why are so many war "crimes" brought to light? Because the madia is there, right on top of it and in their liberal zeal, they probably hunt for these stories. Perhaps we should have the media stationed in military boot camps as they are in war camps. That might help us to know what really goes on, what really is condoned by our government despite their denial and feigned disbelief.


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