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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Is Pluto a Planet?

There is actually going to be a "scientific" debate on this issue, as if there were no more important things for our scientists to do! I imagine a debate that includes some of the most learned men in the world will be a scholarly marvel. I wish I could be there. To use a "science" word I would "hypothesize" that the debate would go something like this: "Pluto no longer qualifies as a planet". "Yes it does". "No it doesn't". "Yes it does". "No it doesn't". "Yes it does". "No it doesn't". Etc, etc. Ad infinitum until they break for lunch at McDonald's. Proud of their morning accomplishments they raise their beakers in unison and drink a toast. A toast to the fact that there isn't always a fact in science so therefore they can never be too wrong or too right. Got that? Oh how I pine for Galileo vs. "the church".

In any event it seems that IF Pluto is a planet then there will also be up to 3 new ones added. Oddly one of the "new" ones is actually an "old" one Got that? See above about "science facts" as a reminder. Ceres, one of the possible additions actually WAS a planet in the 1800's before that "fact" of science became a non fact. Got that? See above science facts again. Pluto for those who still are reading this became a planet in 1930.

So what does all this mean for the average earthling? Absolutely nothing! Except for the "fact (?)" that what we learned in school as a "fact" may not in fact, be a fact! Wow this starting to sound so "Cat in the Hat" isn't it?

I just think science has much better things to do than argue about what is or isn't a planet. Like NASA and our trips to space, yeah they were something to marvel at when it was first accomplished, but now? The only reason I can see for continuing this program is human natures innate need to "one up" their competitors, which all of a sudden includes the Chinese.
On a related note that isn't too related, I recently saw the remake of "War of the Worlds." where earth is attacked by creatures from outer space and a very real thought occurred to me. This is just more propaganda. Yeah, keep showing programs where the Aliens from outer space attack Earth and before you know it we all fear Aliens. But how bout this scenario: Earth becomes unihabitable,( a growing possibility) and those that can ($$$), want to get out, or off, whatever. So our government, ever wanting to please and appease the rich and (in)famous, finds & attacks another "habitable" Planet, wreaking havoc (which it is so good at), killing as many inhabitants as possible and enslaving the rest.(historic repeat of our "discovering" (?) America.) The public explanation from the White House is "thank God we discovered their plot in time and attacked pre-emptively so as to prevent harm from befalling our citizens." Yeah right. Sound familiar? It should, we've been falling for the same line forever now, as history just keeps repeating itself. Or does it/ Do we actually win this one? Or have we finally met our match? Stay tuned folks. Maybe some gutsy (crazy) filmmaker / author will pick up on this and run with it. I just wish I could write, I might have something here. Yeah, a dust collector in the "dollar bin" at your local junk store. .



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