Embryos Cloned from "Unripened" Eggs.
Ok, NOW I'm nervous! Scientists have now created human life from "unripened" eggs. Can the creation of so called "perfect" humans be far behind? Someone, somewhere surely will try it. How about a military made up of human life that no one cares about? Unloved, uncared for human life sent to fight and die for a country and people that don't care about them and for the most part probably won't even know they exist. We are a very selfish society, myself included, and at first glance the cloned military sounds like a great idea. I mean who would you rather send to war?, your loved one? Or an unloved one, with no parents, family or any emotional ties to anyone? Sound simple and great at first glance, but it isn't and I think and hope we All know that.
My personal feelings aren't about and 8 or 16 cell life, NO, but rather what comes next; and come it will. After all have we ever been satisfied with status quo? If we were, we'd still be making fire by rubbing two sticks together. NO this world is always moving forward and in the last 50 years it seems as if the pace is ever accelerating. On our current pace, my doomsday scenario outlined above could be a reality in say ten or twenty years. And at the very least we must condemn and prevent the cloning of adult humans. Man is already playing God far too much and far too often
Finally a 'loving' comment!
That has always been one scenario of many, that the military would 'make' - they can not 'create', (Because that would be out of nothing - there is only One who can create!) . But that the military or even some mining concern say for diamonds in Africa would (make) use of a clone where no one would send a human.
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