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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Terri Schiavo Autopsy

The Terri Schiavo autopsy report being released today is expected to show several things. First and foremost, her condition WAS irreversible; no amount of therapy could have regenerated the massive amount of neurons that were destroyed. Secondly, and most interesting to me is that she was also reportedly BLIND! That means that reports of her "following" anything with her eyes were either wishful thinking, exaggeration or outright fabrications. I don't begrudge anyone from committing all three in order to save a loved one. I would do the same for mine. Thirdly, it will be reported that Terri suffered no abuse or trauma, which would seem to exonerate the husband from all the accusations being bandied about..
My feelings remain the same. She was killed! Murdered if you prefer. Whatever word you choose, the fact is that Terri Schaivo was forced to die before her time. Or was she, some will say, she died way back in 1990. I'm not even gonna try to say when her "spirit" left, but she certainly fought hard to "live" after her feeding tube was removed. With all the emphasis today on the miraculous "possibilities" of stem cell research, it just seems ridiculously absurd to extinguish a life that may have been able to be saved and the condition reversed, any day now, and all we had to do was feed her. I mean this is a country where we cant even starve our animals deliberately, without government intervention, yet that same government, intervening in the Schiavo case, condoned just exactly that.
There will always be people on both sides of the issue, and with valid points, I just cannot come to grips with it. My own father tried so many times to "end his fathers pain" when he was dying of cancer that he wasn't allowed in the room unless medical personnel were present. Several years ago my father was also dying and I fought daily with my conscience about what the "right" thing to do was. I was handed morphine to give him to "keep him comfortable". Even tho it was contra-indicated for all of his conditions. To give it to him would have hastened his death; to Not give it to him may have meant his discomfort during his final days. Impossible decision for me to make. Granted Terri wasn't "dying", and my father was, but that doesnt make the pain of loss any less. Those of you oppose to what happened to Terri Schiavo should also be cautious when dealing with "hospice" their job is NOT to help you live or get well. Believe me I know.
Terrible thing dying is, unless of course you believe in an afterlife. If you do, it can certainly help to ease the pain.
Terri went to her "rest" several months ago; maybe now the balance of us can put this to rest also. But I doubt it



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