Insurer Pushes Pill-Splitting Savings
Excellent Idea! Too bad it has come to this. .I wouldn't have believed it, had I not had it happen to me recently. I was prescribed a medication at a certain dosage, and the pharmacist gave me a dose that was twice as strong and instructed me to cut it in half, because he didn't carry the dose I needed. When I went back to refill it I told him I wanted the correct dosage this time. OK, fine. The joke was on me when the prescription cost me twice as much!
Alas this could be dangerous though, to those most in need of the savings, the elderly. What if they forget? What if they don't even remember being told to do this and consequently take double doses EVERY time?
We need to reign in the pharmaceutical companies along with the rest of the health care industry. This is simply wrong
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