Court Rules Against Pot for Sick People
The Supreme court today ruled that the Federal Government can still prosecute people who use marijuana prescribed by a doctor, in states where it is legal.
Since the title of" justice", seems so like an oxymoron, I wont use it; in fact moron would be much more appropriate, but in any event I'll just use their names here. John Paul Stevens, seemed to indicate a vote by the people would be more appropriate at some point in the future. But for the people who need it / use it, the future is now. And it wouldn't be the first time we legalized something questionable, The (less than) Supreme court stated that they feared abuse by physicians who found it too lucrative to resist over prescribing. So essentially what their saying is that they can't stop misuse by doctors out for a fast buck, so instead we'll outlaw it all together. Ok, fine, then why not outlaw alcoholic beverages and ALL pain medication? I mean after all what liquor store owner would deny a sale to a known alcoholic? Not many I fear. And over prescribing of pain meds is already a problem. Look no further than the perfect Republican families of Rush Limbaugh, and Gov. Jeb Bushes daughter. Both have/had serious problems with prescription medication. And booze? I'm sure most of us know a nice person who has a drinking problem. So what gives? Is marijuana over prescribed? Abused? Misused? Probably. But there are people who are apparently, decent, honest respected Americans who will tell you that this marijuana works for them, when nothing else will. Montell Williams is a good example. A staunch supporter of marijuana for medical use, who I believe uses it himself for multiple sclerosis(?). He is a respected talk show host and ex marine, who exposes daily the wrongs done to people. This is not a street junkie or someone trying to resell the "pot" for a profit. Years ago heroin was used legally in hospitals. Not so many years ago Motrin was a prescription drug, now its available over the counter. The list is huge.
The real problem here as I see it is simply that the U.S. government, cannot accept the fact that an "illicit" drug has REAL medicinal value. But even this is not unique. White Willow Bark, has exactly the same ingredients as todays aspirin. Many other herbs have also influenced todays medicines. So what's the real problem? Big governments buddies Phizer and Merck aren't growing it yet and haven't devised a way to put it in a pill!
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