Obama Must Wake Up
If Obama was nothing else, he was ever the idealist, envisioning America and the world for what it could be. But now is the time for him to wake up, and face the reality of what the world is; what it will always be. it is time for him to wake up to the fact that he runs America, the single most greedy, self-centered nation on earth. He is NOT the CEO of Disney world
His latest ideological misspeak was that he wants the world together to strive for total nuclear disarmament. Beautiful thought to be sure, spoken by an equally eloquent, charismatic orator, which is the only reason he probably got more than a few people in this Bi-Polar world into their manic state. But to the realists among us, we remain in our depressive minds.
America, as the realists see it, is first in many things. Ok we already covered greed, ego and selfishness. But America also leads the world in other equally abhorrent deeds. America was first in developing nuclear weapons. America was first in using them. American remains the only nation to ever use nuclear weapons, and not just once either.
So while it is indeed a wonderful idea, it is impractical and impossible. When you have the Unites States, Russia, China and Muslim fanatics bent on world domination by any means necessary, im afraid that nuclear weapons AND worse will be here to stay.
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