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Monday, April 30, 2007

Don't Send Prince Harry to iraq BECAUSE He Would Be a Target??

WELL EXCUUUUUSE ME!!!!! Just what the hell - would you call the 3,000 + Americans that have died over there? And the tens of
thousands injured or maimed. UNLUCKY I suppose????
Yes they certainly were that. Most were either unlucky enough to be too poor
to afford college any other way or just unlucky enough that this was the ONLY "decent" job they could find, and I use that word decent, with grave reservation.

So Prince Harry will be a target. Sorry about that, but welcome to war. Ive maintained since the beginning that if Bush (whackers) darling twins would have been in the military and in danger of going off to war, daddy would NEVER have gone into Iraq. Heck he'd still be negotiating with the Taliban to surrender Bin Laden. But hey, at least then we would know where he is, wouldn't we?

Prince Harry would no doubt make an attractive target for the opposition, in their hopes of having a huge bargaining chip. But then this is our chance to show for once and for all that ALL men (and women) are created equal, by NOT negotiating his release any more than we would for anyone else. But alas I fear that if the opposition were to get hold of Harry, the war would end abruptly............. with the total obliteration of Iraq from the face of the earth.

Finally, lets not forget that this is one young man of "privilege" who could have avoided all this. Does that make him a hero or just plain nuts???
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