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Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Resurrection of Another Deity

Yet another god has risen from the dead, only this one has taken awhile.  It seems that 2 separate groups in Greece are resurrecting Zues, king of the ancient gods. A group dedicated to reviving worship of the 12 ancient gods, was founded last year and won a court battle for official state recognition of the ancient Greek religion.

The worshippers also face another obstacle: Greece's powerful Orthodox Church.

Virtually all native born Greeks are baptized Orthodox Christian, and the church regards ancient religious practices as pagan. Representatives of the church in the past have not attended flame ceremonies at Olympia because reference is made to Apollo, the ancient god of music and light.
Christianity took hold in Greece in the 4th century after Roman Emperor Constantine's conversion. Emperor Theodosius wiped out the last vestige of the Olympian gods when he abolished the Olympic Games in 394 A.D. The modern revival of the Olympiad maintains a slender link to ancient ceremonies.
"Christianity did not prevail without bloodshed," said Peppa, a novelist and historical writer. "After 16 centuries of negativity toward us, we've gotten something in our favor."    LINK to Story here


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