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Monday, January 15, 2007

Head Severed During Hanging?

        Saddam Hussein's half brother and the former head of Iraq's Revolutionary Court were hanged today, during which the head of one of the accused, Barzan Ibrahim, was severed,  in what is being called "a rare incident." 
The announcement drew outrage from some in the Sunni community,  with Khalaf al-Olayan, a leader of the main Sunni bloc in parliament, , claiming .
"It is impossible for a person to be decapitated during a hanging, this shows that they (the government) have violated the law by mutilating the body. "We want to see the video that was taken during the execution of the two men in order for them (government) to prove what they are saying," he added.
It was not known if the government took an official video, as it did during Saddam's execution.

Given the Muslim terrorists proclivity for beheading, this is an interesting dev
elopment indeed ..............
In keeping with my policy of presenting the truth as best can be foundHERE is an explanation that beheading CAN indeed occur and the scientific and mathematical calculation that should be done to insure that the head doesn't come off.  If not for the gruesomeness of the deed, the calculation process could almost be laughable.


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