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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Should Spanking be Banned?

 whats the saying?  "Spare the rod spoil the child"
 A law is being considered to do just this.
 Its never been more obvious that after a generation in which we DID spare the rod, the children HAVE been spoiled. Back in the "old days" i watched plenty of TV, and saw cartoons where the characters got the crap beat out of them regularly, "war movies" with plenty of gore and killing, Westerns galore, replete with hangings, beatings, shootouts & bank robberies galore.  BUT NO SEX on TV save for a little peck on the cheek in"Father Knows Best or Leave it to Beaver. So did TV influence me?  NO!. My parents influenced me, which is as it should be. Its their job to teach right from wrong.
 Now onto todays children.  To start, kids today have access to over 100 TV channels (we had like 5), many uncensored. They have the internet, totally uncensored and unregulated. They hav gratuitous sex and violence in their music.
So now compare yesterdays kids to todays and what do we ( I ) see?  We see that todays children are (generally speaking, YMMV) less respectful than ever,  more violent than ever, more apt to have sex (earlier) than ever, yet better (?) educated than ever. The (?) after better indicates my doubt that they are any smarter as indicated among other things by their inability to make change of a dollar if the cash register doesnt tell them. But I digress, as usual. Forgive me, my A.D.D. sometimes gets the best of me.  Speaking of A.D.D., ...... JUST KIDDING Im back on track, tho another good story would be how everything today has a name (excuse) attached to it.  Now where was I? 
     Oh yes todays youth vs. yesterdays.  So what is wrong with todays youth?  NO, thats not a good question, its quite obvious WHATS  wrong. A better question would be WHY is todays youth the way they are?  Is TV to blame?  The Internet perhaps. The violent video games they all play? Their music?  Im sure you've heard other suggestions as well. But i offer another reason. a very unpopular reason. Yes that is my job bringing you the unpopular truth.
    Todays youth are the way they are because of poor parenting and / or lack of parenting at all.    Why is this? Economics;   today and for the last 30+ years it has become increasingly NECESSARY for mothers to work outside the house, to supplement their husbands income, not so much because it was meager, but because they wanted more, they wanted a better life.  A noble cause, but one fraught with drawbacks as we are now witnessing, and one with no end in sight.  Compound this with todays ease of divorce (amazing how few people "work things out" today) and the resultant single mothers who now NEED to go to work and we've got quite a problem here.
   You see its a parents job to regulate what their children watch, what they listen to, who they hang out with, and how they dress to name just a few. But how can they when they are busy working all day. Mothers need to stay home with their children. period!.. Want to be "politically correct"? Fine "A" parent needs to be home with their children. If you can work the hours they are in school, fine. If not, then your first priority is to that child. To divorced mothers, your exempted obviously, though the kids will suffer. Single mom?  Tough, you get what your hand calls for. You had options. You chose this. Deal with it, but know also your children will pay the price. Congratulations. Next time just say no, or pick another option. There are plenty available today.

But what the heck does this have to do with spanking? Geez now that I've read it back, I realize my A.D.D. is worse than I thought. I completely forgot about spanking.
So is the banning of spankin  a good idea?
 Spanking is a good tool which (like war) is best kept as a last resort, but the threat should be there none the less. As a parent I never had to use it, ( well maybe once as they tell me now), and things worked out quite wellI think. In fact this is funny (to me), when my child misbehaved, all i had to do was pretend to "spit in my hands and rub then together" (as if "warming" up) and that was enough. The tears would flow and the lesson learned. The anticipation of what"might" be coming was all that was needed, but the "tool" was always there, at least in their mind.

And as for me? how did I turn out after having grown up on gratuitously violent but sexless tv, with an occasional necessary spanking thrown in? 
Well I'm a (mostly) law abiding, moderate, peace loving, satyric.  ......... Go figure


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