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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Castro Transfers Power, America's Cubans Celebrate

Cubans celebrated in the streets of Miami yesterday upon hearing that Castro has transferred power "temporarily" to his brother. Seems Castro needed surgery for bleeding in his intestines.
What I wonder is this: Do you think all or most Cubans would go back to Cuba if Castro died and the island suddenly became Democratic?
I know that whenever Castro dies the U.S will be ready to pump whatever money is necessary into the island just to "prove" that Democracy is better.
I also know we could learn alot from Castros Cuban medical care and education systems. Both are said to be excellent. Yes I know their "History" lessons are filled with lies, but hey so are ours, so what's your point?
Back in the beginning of the 80's with the U.S boasting that we would take all Cubans reaching our shores, Castro took us up on it by emptying his prisons and mental hospitals and sending them to us on the now (in)famous Cuban "flotilla". I know this for a fact because I spoke to prisoners in U.S jails who were from Cuba - their prisons to be exact, AND THEY LAUGHED AT THEIR GOOD FORTUNE TO BE -

  • locked up in America, because in Cuban prisons they had to fight for everything
  • treated as first time offenders here in the States, no matter how many murders or other crimes they committed in Cuba
Yes Castro is / was a shrewd man.
There are many rumors surrounding his condition right now, running the gamut from he was already recovering / out of danger before the announcement was made, all the way to the other extreme that he is already dead. Only time will tell. VIVE CASTRO!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Whom It May Concern;
contrary to what you wrote; "I also know we could learn alot from Castros Cuban medical care".
I know from "second hand" experience, friends who did Catholic ministry in Cuba several times over many years that the health care system was nonexistent. If you had a gunshot wound you couldn't get an aspirin for pain.

8/01/2006 6:59 AM  

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