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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Attention Catholics! Those Who Have Ears, Hear This

Those who have eyes let them see:

Nothing like the voice of God to wake someone up, even a non believer. Yet Catholics are different. They prefer to remain asleep, listening only to the soothing voices of their religious leaders; fearful that not doing so could / would preclude them from their Heavenly reward or worse condemn them to eternal damnation in HELL!!!
But what if one of their own speaks out in truth, but that truth puts the "Church" in a less than pure light? Will they listen? Will they finally sit up and take notice of the reality around them? Or will they condemn this man of God as a heritic or a disciple of Satan? We shall see, because this is not just "one of their own", but a religious leader in position of authority, AND a victim himself
Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, is lobbying to allow past victims more time to file law suits against the Church, because as he says, knowing first hand, (pardon the pun), "They are intimidated, embarrassed, and they just bury it,". "I understand that. I never told my parents. ... I never told anybody." And this man was molested over 60 years ago. "As often happens in these cases," Gumbleton said, the priest would invite him and another boy to a weekend cabin. "At some point, he would start wrestling with one of us. Then he would be putting his hands into your pants."
"I've been saying for 10 years that these cases should be handled with pastoral sensitivity, not just in an adversarial legal way," he said. "I've also felt strongly that bishops should be talking to these victims, and so often they haven't been."
Still believe "the scandal" just an aberration? Still believe it was ONLY approximately 4,000 clergy and 10,000 victims? I invited you to visit the Orlando Diocese own web sites FAQ's on the subject of child molestation.and see the truth, especially MYTH #5.
The myth is that most cases of sexual abuse are reported.
The fact is that only 1 in 10 to 1 in 20 incidents are reported, and even fewer are reported if the perpetrator is a relative.
Do the math….. potentially the correct #'s can be 10 to 20 + times greater than reported. Simply disgusting. And is there any doubt that believers (and especially children) view a priest in the same way they woud a relative? So the TRUE figures could be mind boggling.
My respect and thanks goes out to the Orlando Diocese for NOT covering up the facts of child abuse in general. Granted I don't know if they've covered up other facts as many like them have, but I will give credit, where credit is due.
Hello Catholics, Are we awake yet? Are we listening yet? Can we yet see?

M't:13:13 This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. 14In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: " You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. 15For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.



Blogger iamonetruth said...

MYTH #13 First of all, since The Catholic Church is more then "fair" - it is "Love", they usually favor the victims when referring to the abuse cases. In normal sex abuse cases, I think, everyone understands that many go unreported. But, to be fair, the scandal in The Catholic Church, even though abhorrent that even 1 priest should take advantage of anyone, is not the norm for sexual abuse cases. I say this because there is a large percent that are reported that are not true. They are reported either to get money and/or revenge against God's people.
Jesus says about His Church;
John 15:20 Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his master' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also.

Excerpt taken from "This Rock" Catholic magazine.

Q: How widespread is the problem? The press reports seemed to involve a large number of priests.

A: The Associated Press reported that 250 priests had been dismissed or had resigned by the time the bishops met last June, though it is not clear that all of the dismissals and resignations were due to abuse. Even if all 250 priests were abusers, it would still amount to about one-half of one percent (0.53 percent) of the 47,000 priests currently serving in America, a proportion far smaller than in most media accounts. Since some of the allegations involved priests who are now dead, the proportion of offenders within today's priesthood is significantly smaller than one-half of one percent. Nevertheless, the numbers are profoundly disturbing.

1/11/2006 8:57 AM  
Blogger D. Coder said...

Obviously on matters "religious" you are one of the "deaf and blind".
No sense continuing with detailed stats, if its falling on deaf ears and blind eyes.
Oh heck I can't let it go;

I dont know where you get your 250 from? Its more like 4,000+ priests and over 10,000 victims and I get this from the "official" report.

And this was a voluntary in-house survey mind you, so need I point out which way this will lean?
Second you must have missed MYTH 5 in my blog from the diocese of Orlandos own web site stating that the number reported is 5-10% or less than the actual number.
Do you realize what this translates to? the actual #'s here "could" be between 50,000 & 200,000 victims! Tho not even I believe the latter.

And as far as the church being "fair", is that what you call it when the church's parishes and diocese start declaring bankruptcy to AVOID financial compensation to the victims.
And you also must have missed the fact that the latest to stand up for the victims and against the church is one of the church's own, no less than a bishop at that. AND A VICTIM HIMSELF. or is he a liar too.

1/11/2006 6:57 PM  
Blogger iamonetruth said...

You stated:
"I dont know where you get your 250 from?"
I answer.
I clearly left the link.
You stated:
"Obviously on matters "religious" you are one of the "deaf and blind". No sense continuing with detailed stats, if its falling on deaf ears and blind eyes."
I answer.
I don't have the same choice that you do. As a believer in Jesus I have to continue to "share thruth in love" Ephesians 4:15 ... all the time, "proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching." 2 Timothy 4:2

1/12/2006 7:26 AM  

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