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The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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Monday, January 09, 2006

Howard Stern is Back!

Howard Stern
is back and bolder than ever with his new show on Sirius radio, a satellite broadcast that is free from the FCC's censorship. Is this a good thing or not? Well in order to hear him now you must pay a subscription fee so that should keep the casual young listener from tuning in, even accidently. But you know if today's parents were worth a damn, they'd already be supervising what their children do, yet the majority who oppose Stern's show DON'T know what their kids are doing.
My opinion: Stern's show was / is bad for the morality of this country, but then again so is the behavior of some Presidents, Priests (and self appointed "ministers" (read Pat Robertson)), Sports figures, pop stars, Hollywood, the list goes on and on.
Some of his stuff is (to me) funny, some sophomoric, juvenile and yes even boring. I mean after awhile sex, sex, sex,sex,sex,sex, and showcasing all the worlds idiots and lowlifes gets old even for me. What I do enjoy most though is his interviews. Howard Stern asks ALL the questions others cannot or fear not ask, so you do get to see another side of someone you perhaps have seen interviewed many times before on "family" (censor) radio, TV, and print
So Howard, I know you don't care and neither would I if I were you, but I like and admire you (and your show usually), but that's because I was raised in an increasingly immoral society and am addicted to many of the same things that most of your fans are. I only hope that you also are hooked on and enjoy that which you broadcast and aren't just doing a job. I say this because in a "soundbite" aired on TV today I heard you say that " I don't order anyone to get naked now and show me your genitals, but I will talk to and interview them if they want.
P.S. I don't pay for water to drink, nor air for my tires, nor wait on line to get money that is mine anyway, so the odds are I won't be able to hear your show anymore, because neither will I pay for radio that should be free.
I'm both sad AND relieved; one less vice to entertain. Thank you Howard, thank you Sirius, thank you FCC


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. D. Coder, I respect your thoughts and your stand on paying for radio. But I must tell you. I'm like you too but I want to enjoy my life, not that you don't. And I concider this entertainment to me. I work hard, not to make my boss happy or make the corp I work for millions but to be able to aford things that make me happy. So I just ask you what makes you happy and can 42 cents a day make you even more happy. I does for me. With respect, Armando

1/09/2006 10:34 AM  
Blogger D. Coder said...

I thank you for your comment and repect Armando. Certainly 42 cents a day is a small price to pay for my happiness, but I suspect, like everything else it will continue to increase and we will just accept it as a way of life, similar to cable TV, and we all know about cable rates don't we.
I also read today that, unlike the commercial free first show, future shows will contain 6 minutes of "ad's" for every 60 minutes of airtime. To me thats an awful lot considering how much we all despise ad's.
Even movie goers are trying to compel theaters to list actual start times of the movie instead of when the ad's begin.
At least on the internet (for now anyway) if I pay a fee for something its so I can get it ad free.

1/10/2006 3:57 AM  

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