Testing Our Biases
Read the following statement then close your eyes and put a face on these men.
The founder of a radical Islamic group and his three followers were indicted on Wednesday for plotting attacks on Los Angeles-area military facilities and synagogues, the Israeli consulate and El Al airlines, authorities said.
Ok, got the picture of these would be terrorists? What is it? No doubt Middle Eastern Arab looking people right? Of course that's what you thought; to say otherwise would be lying to yourself.
And of course you figured there would be a "catch" to this obvious question and surely there is. For these terrorists in waiting are not Middle Easterners, they are Los Angeleans; gang members actually, one of which, a Kevin James had formed a radical organization "Jam'iyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh", while serving time at a California prison. He then distributed his "teachings" to fellow inmates and recruited fellow inmate Levar Washington. Upon Washingtons release he recruited his roommate Gregory Patterson and a friend, Hammad Samana.
So you were wrong; want to guess again? You are now armed with their names. You again would no doubt be bias in what you say, but this time you'd at least be closer to being right.
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