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Saturday, August 27, 2005

55 Saves Lives

Remember that slogan? I think it began back in the 70's during the "original" gas crisis. What the government did was lower all speed limits to a maximum of 55mph. They then justified it as they always do by lying (think Iraq & WMD's), .saying it saves gas and lives. Or did they? I don't know whether America bought it or not but hey it was the law. Today 30 years later they still say it saves gas but oddly they now don't talk much about the life part.

My problem is which is it? If it truly saves gas and lives why not put it back into effect nationwide? A nationwide speed limit of 55 mph that will cut our dependence on oil by quite alot is you believe the hype. They say that driving 65mph uses 20% more gas and driving 75 a whopping 50% more fuel!! To further make a case for "drive 55" they continue that driving 65 pollutes much more (153% more CO) and kills far more. The first year after Congress lowered the speed limit to 55, 9,000 less people died. Then in 1987 Congress allowed states to raise their speed limits on rural roads to 65. Ultimately it was realized that this speed limit increase led to a 30% increase in fatalities. Armed with this information what did Congress do? Well of course in 1991 they expanded states authority so they could allow the higher speed limits on certain other roads as well. And you thought the U.S. government was always looking out for our welfare didn't you?
So what is it? If Bush and his cronies are really looking out for the well being of American citizens shouldn't they again enact legislation to lower the speed limit to 55mph? It will save lives, gas, money and indirectly fight terrorism!!! How much more patriotic can one be?
So remember you are NOT required to drive AT the speed limit; only that you must drive at least 40mph on most interstates and that failure to drive at 55 means you are supporting terrorism, you are increasing the risk that you and others will die in an accident and you are contributing to polluting the earth and all the bad things that go with that (another blog maybe?)
So who are you? A selfish, terrorist supporting, earth killing criminal? or a kind, considerate, unselfish, "family values", life protector? ME? That's easy. When it comes to driving I'm the first one. I 've driven both 55 and 75 and if 55 became law again nationwide I'd rather stay home thank you.
A few interesting places to visit on this are here, and here



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