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Friday, June 18, 2010

Isnt it Time We Took Elections Seriously

I mean lately it seems some of the worst are getting into office. Other times, complete unknowns. Here is the latest one, a man in South Carolina wins a Senatorial primary, with absolutely no experience, no campaign, no money, and a questionable background.
Well ok the questionable background, can be discounted because who in politics doesnt these days.  And as far as money and experience goes, i guess we could discount them also since its obvious neither of those qualifications have meant much to the nation lately either.
 But just who is  Alvin Greene , and how did he win election the South Carolinas Senate primary?
     As recently as Memorial Day, Alvin Greene was an unemployed 32-year-old, 13-year military veteran who had been involuntarily discharged from both the Army and the Air Force and was facing an obscenity charge for allegedly showing a teenage stranger online pornography in a college campus computer lab
What he became after winning 59% of the vote in the June 8 Democratic primary is now in dispute

 full story here


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