Blockade Disaster
Warring jews at it again. when we they finally be labeled terrorists?
A conroversial 3 year old blockade, preventing supplies from getting toan already impoverished nation, turned deadly yesterday.
And if you live in the U.S., know this before you say anything about how the Jews have the right to protect their land,
the land claimed and occupied by the Jews, is no more Jewish or Israeli than your house , where you currently live is native American.
Yes thats right, foreign interlopers, our ancestors, STOLE America from the Indians (native americans).then lied to, cheated and massacred them.
So unless you are willing to admit that where you live belongs to the native americans, and unless your willing to relinquish your house back to the native americans, you have nothing to say in defense of the jews preventing aid to PALESTINE.
Palestine ceased belonging to the jews over 1200 years ago. america ceased belonging to the native americans just over a few hundred years ago.
Thats it cut and dried.
If you arent willing to correct a more recent wrong, then dont speak about one so ancient
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