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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Steal Anything, From Anywhere with Impunity

What the heck is Going on ????

Employees Fired for Pursuing Alleged Shoplifter 

And get this. both employees were on break and the shoplifter they helped the security guard catch, didnt even shoplift from their store. It was a different store entirely.
So basically two do-gooders, NOT on the clock at the time, apprehended a criminal stealing from a store they did NOT work at!

How does their employer justify firing them?. If you read the article you'll see that most retail store have a no chase policy to protect the company from injuries sustained by both employees AND accused criminals.
But this case doesnt involve their employer at all.  This is tantamount to advising all employees that upon hire they are no longer allowed to get involved in anything,  anywhere, that may result in injury and / or lawsuit.


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