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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Crocodile Unearthed in Oregon

The fossil of an ancient amphibious reptile with a crocodile's body and a fish's tail has been unearthed in Oregon. Scientists believe the creature's remains were transported by geologic processes nearly 5,000 miles away from where it originally died more than 100 million years ago.
The reptile roamed a tropical environment in Asia about 142 to 208 million years ago. Called a Thalattosuchian, the amphibious creature [image] represents an early milestone in evolutionary history, marking a transition during which these reptiles moved from being semi-aquatic to wholly ocean species
The rock-entombed animal migrated eastward from perhaps Japan via continental drift, a theory of land movement in geological time, suggests William Orr, part of the fossil-discovery team and director of the Thomas Condon State Museum of Fossils at the University of Oregon.
During ancient times, the Pacific Ocean was much wider than it is today, and Orr suggests the rocky ride could have taken as long as 100 million years before reaching North America.



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