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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mandatory Ultrasound

There is a new anti abortion "plan"  that i agree with.
it calls for showing the woman a  mandatory ultrasound before she can get an abortion. i think thats a fair requirement and IF it causes her 
to change her mind then thats great because she would prolly have regretted it later on anyway. For those who can still go thru with the
 abortion thats also ok with me. At least she knows the full details of what she is doing.

Of course it also not exactly fair  BUT ONLY in the sense that day in & day out we all go about our lives without knowing the full story on most things. Take two examples if you will -  WAR;  if we saw actual footage of the daily horrors of war it would make the average person sick and we would never enter into a war except as a dire last resort which is as it should be anyway. Second if all terminally ill people would see a video of what their remaining time would be like before actually dying, based on their individual illness, well then im afraid many more would choose euthanasia, especially for some of the more painful cancers and such.  but having said this i still the the pre abort ultrasound is a great idea.  Of course i also think the father should have a say, but he never will.


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