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The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Quiverfull

I just finished watching "nightline" on TV about people who are opposed to any and ALL forms of birth control or family planning. They contend that it is all in Gods hands and whatever He wants they will joyfully accept.

On their site, Quiverfull.com they say "We exalt Jesus Christ as Lord, and acknowledge His headship in all areas of our lives, including fertility. We exist to serve those believers who trust the Lord for family size, and to answer the questions of those seeking truth in this critical area of marriage."

What amazed me was i had just finished having discussions about this very subject. It all started when i sent this to a staunch observer of catholic tradition. Its about a new technology that is now available that predicts a womens times of fertility ( and hence infertility also) much more accurately than ever before and the questoin I posed was "do you think the Catholic Church would allow this device to be used since they do allow what they refer to as "natural family planning?" Well long story short I was advised that the catholic church allows NOTHING that would be used as contraception. Delaying a family temporarily the natural way, yes thats ok, but nything used to prevent pregnacy indefinitely or forever or for any extended period of time IS wriong and hence a sin.
Just retyping this explanation has given me a headache and i sure hope i quoted it right. BUT in the event that i dint you can read the full disussion here, and read about the device here
do check out all the links (especially the discussion here) as i think they are all worth reading


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you quoted it correctly but someone might think I said the Church would not allow the new method, which of course the Church probably would but not to stop conception altogether but since you gave the link to the whole discussion it is up to them to go and read it

if only we could get other people to interact with us you and I are 'dissimilar'

we have opposing views on most topics

1/04/2007 7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it odd that for 100's of years Christians outside tha Catholic Church kept drawing further and further away from the teachings of the Church - up until recently, that is - now I find that while some groups are still going further away from 'Truth' ( homosexuality is an alternate lifestyle, for example) there are other groups - who like these 'quiverfull' people are drawing closer to Church teachings - my deal is why start your own church when there is one out there teaching the same thing that you are already teaching - the only reason that I can come up with, other than pride, is 'money' if they join the Catholic Church that is already teaching what they teach then they lose 'control' - no money for their new 'ministry'

1/04/2007 7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1/04/2007 7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes MONEY, the root of all evil including organized religions.
yeah there are some groups embracing the dark ages more and more
yes homosex. as an alternative lifestyle, well it IS, but it is also unnatural / not normal.

also they pi$$ me off when they say it ISNT a choice, they are born thst way BUT they get mad when i tell them that if it isnt a choice but you are born that way then is a birth defect SO SIMPLE. as for me, im an avowed lesbian, trapped in a mans body!!!!

1/04/2007 7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't seem to leave me an option to contact them. I thought I might give them the full scoop. They 'almost' got it right

1/04/2007 7:52 PM  
Blogger D. Coder said...

i dint mention in the blog because i knew it "could" have been done deliberaately but the families they showed on nightline about quiver all had massive amounts of kids, between 7 and 11.
one guy had a prosperous business tho he did admit sending 9 or ten kids to college wasnt possible and they would have to come up with an alternate paln. but they dint present any that i noticed that had Money probelems due to the large families. ill have to rewatch it i have it on tape.

1/04/2007 7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

didn't bother to mention it in our discussion but what you consider a 'responsible' number of children and what God would call a responsible number of children are no doubt two separate numbers

and so just because someone can not afford to send their children to college doesn't mean that they shouldn't have children

or instead of driving a New Hummer, like so many people here do, you can buy a used Yugo to get around

it's a matter of 'laying down your own life and desire for those that you love'

1/04/2007 7:56 PM  

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