Pursuit of Justice - American Style; Saddam Lawyer Tries Technicalities
Citing "International Conventions," Saddams defense lawyer Khalil al-Dulaimi said. "According to the international conventions, it is forbidden to hand a prisoner of war to his adversary," "I urge all the international and legal organizations, the United Nations secretary-general, the Arab League and all the leaders of the world to rapidly prevent the American administration from handing the president to the Iraqi authorities,"
and a second technicality being argued:
A top government official disputed the court's ruling that Saddam must be hanged within 30 days, saying the execution should be held after that time period. The comment comes amid debate over other legal procedures such as whether the presidency is required to approve the execution. "The law does not say within 30 days, it says after the lapse of 30 days," said Busho Ibrahim, deputy justice minister.
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