Hamas has pulled off a coup today winning the FREE DEMOCRATIC election in Palestine.
This is bound to make Both Israel and the United States unhappy. I guess they only like democratic processes when the results agree with them, huh?
Same thing recently happened in Bolivia, when Evo Morales won the presidency by assuring the poor people that things would indeed improve for them. Likewise in Chile with the election of Michelle Bachelet, and in Venezuela with Hugo Chavez. All have denounced the United States' meddling and disregard for South America's poor.
Most things are cyclical in nature and it would seem that the left and Socialism are once again gaining in popularity. While this may, on the one hand seemingly please Hillary and the rest of America's leftist elite, they cannot be pleased by the turn FROM Capitalism. You see in America thats the one thing both the right and left have in common, their love of Capitalism. The only difference in ideology between the sides is what they would do with the corporate profits. The right would allow the rich to continue to get richer at the expense of the poor, while the left would tax the rich at obscenely high rates and redistribute it to the poor. While this concept of caring for the poor does appeal to me, I draw the line at supporting the poor who REFUSE to do anything for themselves
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