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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

New Orleans Mayor Says God Mad at U.S.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin suggested Monday that Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and other storms were a sign that "God is mad at America" and at black communities, too, for tearing themselves apart with violence and political infighting.

"Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it's destroyed and put stress on this country," Nagin, who is black, said as he and other city leaders marked Martin Luther King Day. "Surely he doesn't approve of us being in Iraq, under false pretenses. But surely he is upset at black America also. We're not taking care of ourselves."
"It's time for us to come together. It's time for us to rebuild New Orleans - the one that will again be a "chocolate" New Orleans," the mayor said. "This city will be a majority African American city. It's the way God wants it to be. You can't have New Orleans no other way. It wouldn't be New Orleans."

My reason for this submission is:
1) Pat Robertson should take note, there is a proper way of expressing oneself
2) I'm glad New Orleans is again going to be a "chocolate" city, considering how much I like my "chocolate" especially "hot chocolate"
3) I agree with his assessment of the reasons God is mad at America.
But I still don't think Nagin is a good mayor, administrator or businessman.



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