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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"Hand" of God Convicted

Earlier today a jury in Massachusetts found inmate Joseph Druce guilty of killing Catholic pedophile / gay priest John Geoghan in 2003. For Druce, already serving a life sentence for a previous murder, I Just don't see him losing much sleep over this latest conviction. I mean really, after serving out his first life sentence he starts the next, OK, big deal, gimme more. Here is where I think we may actually need the death penalty, for someone who kills in prison after being convicted of killing someone in the real world. I mean we must protect the other convicted killers, serving time with him, from "harm" don't we? Geez, that sounds so stupid, just like a lot of things in the "justice system".
But back to Duce. His lawyer tried an insanity defense claiming among other things that "God told him to do it". Duce himself testified to being sexually abused as a child & that he overheard Geoghan advise other inmates on how to molest children and say he planned to move to South America after prison so he could resume working with children."I had seen myself as the designated individual who had to put a stop to the pedophilia in the church," Druce said. In a touch of irony, Druce's first murder was supposedly committed on a man who "propositioned" him after he picked Druce up hitchhiking. An Insanity defense was rejected by the jury in that case also.
Geoghan was in prison for fondling a 10-year-old boy, but he was accused in lawsuits of sexually abusing some 150 children.
Obviously Druce is a "homo-phobe" but that doesn't make him insane, just a "Christian Republican"!

As for Geoghan, its just too bad he had only one life to take.



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