Abortion or Adoption
I have been told many times by so called pro-lifers that there are more than enough people waiting to adopt unwanted children, a position I don't believe since group homes are full in many places. I have always contended that a child who will be unwanted and unloved would be better off having never been born. There are many ways to accomplish this; LAST of which would be abortion.
Today in Ohio it was discovered that a couple who had adopted / fostered 11 children in their home, had been keeping at least 9 of them in wooden cages! These cages measured 40 inches high by 40 inches deep and came furnished with - nothing! No pillows, mattresses, sheets, blankets - nada, zilch. They claim a Psychiatrist told them to do this for the "protection" of the children from each other! Now I have personally seen many children that SHOULD be kept in cages, and mostly for the protection of others! Want proof? Just watch "Nanny 911" on TV sometime. Now I'm not saying bad behavior is necessarily the childrens fault; it isn't.in many cases it's the fault of whoever is responsible for their care, or lack there of. Another show "wife swap" (no not that kind) aired last night on WABC. In the episode it showed a mother whose children ran amok, poking holes in the food in the meat section and emptying the coupon dispensers for "fun". The mothers reaction to those who objected was "too bad".
Now again its not the kids fault, its the mother and people like her shouldn't be allowed to breed! And she admittedly had a "bad memory" of her childhood and wanted her kids to live differently. Congratulations, yet another reasonnot to breed, but your not unique, the nations prisons are full of children who never knew discipline or love. I only wish the religious affiliation of these people were known, no doubt many would turn out to be "good, pro-life wannabe, christians".
Ahh, children, just another STD.
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