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The World Unleashed

The Rantings of an unkown prophet can be found here; where no topic is safe! The resident savant will lead you thru the world as he sees it. Not an easy life, but one that MUST be shared, if the mission to "enlighten" is to reach fruition. Commentaries on religion, Catholicism, politics, abortion, evolution, sports, baseball, mets, yankees, entertainment, TV, american idol etc. can all be found here. enjoy it, hate it, come back often, send me your comments. all are welcome

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Monday, September 12, 2005

MORE PROOF of Global Warming

Let me start this one by saying "maybe" it isn't the fault of humans that the earths temperature is rising; Maybe its another one of thosae "cycle" things like the hurricanes. STILL The temperature IS rising and IS having negative global impacts, and we ought to be more concerned than we are. Ok having said that here we go:

The increase in size and frequency of ice breaking off in Greenland are a powerful reminder that the frozen sheet covering the world's largest island is thinning — a glaring sign of global warming, scientists say.
Where once the ice could be walked on and fished for 6 months a year, it is now down to scarcely 2. Other signs of global warming include the northward spread of spruce beetles in Canada to melting permafrost in Alaska and northern Russia. New plant species are popping up, killing older native plant types. New fish are now moving into the new warmer neighborhood, where before it was too cold for them to survive. Breem for example are common in warmer waters and NOT seen here in Greenland. But now this fish IS in Greenland and being predatory in nature it is eating up fish eggs and fry of rarer species normally found here. Research also shows that populations of turbot, Atlantic cod and snow crab are no longer found in some parts of the Bering Sea, an important fishing zone between Alaska and Russia.
Arctic sea ice has decreased by about 8 percent, or more than 380,000 square miles, over the past 30 years.In Sisimiut, Greenland's second largest town, lakes have doubled in size in the last decade.
With warmer temperatures, some bacteria, plants and animals could disappear, while others will thrive. Polar bears and other animals that depend on sea ice to breed and forage are at risk, scientists say, and some species could face extinction in a few decades.

The Kyoto Protocol that took effect in February aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But the 140 nations that have signed the pact don't include the United States, which produces one-quarter of the gases.
The Bush administration says participation would severely damage the U.S. economy. Many scientists say that position undermines the whole planet
Interestingly this week there is a summit in New York City and one of the major topics will be global warming and All of those countries in attendance oppose the U.S.' refusal to sign on to the Kyoto Treaty. Heck sign it and then reneg like you did so many times with the Indians.

Just more typical American greed. Screw the earth, we only care about the almighty dollar. It IS our god!



Blogger iamonetruth said...

To Whom It May Concern;
I live in North Central Florida. During the winter months we get constant "frost" in the mornings, we have to scrape ice off our windshields and we have to be careful of slipping on ice some mornings.
Then someone will say: "What ever happened to "global warming"?
I guess you can only get global warming in cold places!

9/12/2005 8:29 PM  

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