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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Being "Catholic" just got harder

Calm down priests, that wasnt a sexual connotation, i was speaking of sinning.
yes it seems that what constitutes a sin, just got more complex. Complex for the catlics anyway. for the rest of us, who DONT need to led around by the nose,  most of it is just comon sense.  

Now, the Catholic Church says pollution, drugs and genetic experiments are on its updated thou-shalt-not list. Also receiving fresh attention by the Vatican was social injustice, along the lines of the age-old maxim: "The rich get richer while the poor get poorer."   It's not the first time that the Vatican has sought to put a modern spin on sin. Last year, the Vatican took on the problem of highway accidents, issuing a kind of "Ten Commandments" for drivers against the sins of road rage, alcohol abuse and even rudeness behind the wheel.

Now in essence i agree with "most" of what they say is wrong. I just dont need them telling it to me, like i'm som imbecil.
 Like last year when they came out with the "hope" that children who die before being baptized, will hopefully go to heaven. so for the "i cant think for myself" catlics this was a big relief. but for me, i always reasoned that this HAD TO BE THE CASE.  OR if it wasnt, then god wasnt the all loving, fair entity that we thought he was.  i mean really, did you really need someone to tell you that a child who dies without being baptised went anywhere BUT heaven (if there is)?  I didnt. i have always reasoned that a loving god would see that an innocent (child) belongs in a good place, a perfect place
good sense is simple remedy. religion only complicates it and ruins its simplicity.


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3/17/2008 8:24 AM  

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