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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Few Facts Christians Don't Want To Know

You see some know this, some don't, some refuse to acknowledge this, most are content to sweep it under the rug and or deny it or diminish the extent of it.  What does this all mean? Unfortunately thats simple. Most christian conservatives ( i refuse to call em the christian "right"), who "say" they embrace a "culture of life",  will continue to vote on one criteria and one only. They will continue to vote for whomever opposes abortion. A noble cause perhaps but to use abortion as your sole or main criteria, while ignoring the fact that millions of real, born, walking, talking, living in the real world people, are dying worldwide is just wrong. Wrong on all levels, morally and intellectually; but hey that the religious conservatives for you. Always living in a make believe fantasy world.
  There ought to be some kind of test before allowing people to vote. I dont know how or what, maybe like do you believe in the easter bunny? or  perhaps show them an a fertile egg and and bird and ask which is a bird?????? seriously i once told an anti abortionist if he truly felt that there was no difference between a fertile egg & a personn, the next time you go to buy a dozen eggs try asking for a dozen "pre-born" chickens and see what happens.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also have to wonder, if these folks who oppose abortion so strongly would uphold these beliefs if it was THEIR 14 year daughter who became pregnant through a violent rape? Or their wife, or any other loved one. On the other hand, I personally feel that abortion shouldn't be a convenient birth control method, where it is being used as "oops! I goofed.... give me an (or another) abortion!" At that point, give her the 1 year subdermal birth control medication. I feel that it is a situation to be dealt with on an individual basis.
One other question I have. Why are there homeless people here who don't have enough to eat, blankets enough to keep warm, and not enough money to buy needed medications when we are sending so many millions of dollars out of the Americas to help children and homeless of other countries? Shouldn't the governments be cleaning up their own back yard first? Disgusting, amoral, sickening and shameful.

11/14/2007 11:36 PM  

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